
Friday, February 12, 2016

The One Where Journeys Are Explained

 One of our first assignments for our Journey in Literature class was to keep a "Journey Journal" and decorate it with a collage portraying your journeys in life. Mine is is divided in two, my emotional/personal journeys & my physical journeys.

Personal Journeys 

  The first two pictures on top represent the beginning (and end) of one of my favorite journeys. The people in these pictures are my best friends. From left to right in the picture on the top left: there's Abneris who I've known for almost 6 years, Davianna who I've known for 8 years, Anibal who I've known for 11 years (yeah, more than half my life), me and Karina who I've not spoken to in 2 years because we grew apart. But the first few people I mentioned,  the ones who spent 6 to 11 years with me, our friendship was one that we said would last for the ages and we sincerely meant it. But as it sometimes inevitably happens you start to drift apart and divide even in the moments you need each other the most and you start to see how much you've all changed after going from spending 8 hours together 5 days a week for most of your Elementary/Middle/High School Education to going to different Universities and still communicating but barely seeing each other once every few months. They say this is the test of true friendship, being able to be apart for long periods of time and trusting everything will still be the same, that you'll still be as close as ever once you do see or speak to each other again. Some friendships are able to get through this, but apparently ours is not.
And so it comes to the quote directly below the graduation picture:

 I added this is the sense that we always swore we would never drift apart, and it was actually one of my greatest fears

The picture next to the quote is the newest person to join my journey, her name is Andrea and I've barely known her a year and half and she has become one of my closest friends. She was there for me during my transfer from the Polytechnic University to UPR is currently cheering from the sidelines with my best friend while I complete my transfer to Johnson & Wales. The pictures below the quote and Andrea show the most recent parts of my journey; the first is me and another friend helping my best friend cope with her mother moving, the second is one of my favorite quotes and the last words of a dearly departed companion in Doctor Who, Clara Oswald, while for different reasons I am also asking to be brave in the face of what is happening and what is to come in the next picture which is my future University.

The last two pictures are also quotes, the first one from the musical Wicked and...well, it speaks for it self. The second quote is my favorite quote from Harry Potter:

This is where I'm actually at right now, trying to find my happiness. Trying to remember to turn on the light instead of remaining in darkness.

Physical Journeys

 These are some of my favorite trips. The top left one is when I went to Halloween Horror Nights in 2014 with my best friend, her sister and her mom. The top right one was also with my best friends family, it was actually last December I went with her to Texas to visit her mom and we took a Road Trip ( 13 HOURS OMG) to Georgia to visit her grandma.The middle left picture was my first time to NYC in 2013, I took that picture from the top of the Empire State Building. The middle picture was last November (2015) on my second trip to New York where I was mostly confined to my aunts apartment in Harlem, at first it was because I had to write an essay for my psychology class but then it was because I got sick. The middle right picture was on the trip to Atlanta, GA last December too as is the bottom left picture. The bottom middle picture was the view from the plane as it descended in Houston, TX last December. And, finally, the bottom right picture is the Playbill from Matilda which was one of the few outing I did get to go to last November in NYC even if I was sick. 

And that is all ladies, gents, and celestial beings. Until next time!


  1. Your blog is so fleshed out, it blows my mind. (Warning this comment and the following ones are/is trying to follow the "10 Ways to Give Writers Helpful Feedback" blog spot from "Oasis Writing Link" so if they don't make sense please forgive me, I'm still figuring this stuff out). From your personal journeys I can perceive that you want to fix or go back to they way things were before in those friendships that have grown apart. I can also see that you really value those relationships. From your physical journeys I can see that you have traveled a lot and genuinely enjoy and take out the most out of those travels. You are also a very diverse person that enjoys a wide variety of things and seeks to learn more, which is awesome. Hope that everything goes well on that school transfer and that you have fun and learn a lot. Also hope that you'll be able to recover those friendships. I'm sure they mean a lot too you, more than I know. PS: as a dark evil creature from the underworld I'm slightly offended that you did not mention me in your farewell but did mention does nasty mortals and even worse those hideous celestial beings). LOL

  2. Your blogpost is very detailed. It seems to me like you're someone who enjoys spending quality time with friends and family. You care a lot about those who are close and dear to you, as evidenced by your collage pictures. Also, it seems that you like traveling and have had the experience of going to many different places. It's a good thing because that way you can expand your internal and physical journeys. Good luck with your future endeavors!

  3. I enjoy your blog so much, it's so very you (at least what I seem to know about you). It was a nice touch to add the map of middle earth in the back. Talking about this post, I like how you decorated your collage and actually showed it in pictures throughout the post. I know how you feel transferring, it's a little scary, as you said "Happiness can be found in the darkest of times..". Decisions seem scary and people will always have their opinions, but in the end you're responsible for your happiness, in my case I needed to be here and since I took this decision I've grown tremendously (more than I have ever done so). So, in summary, love your work and much luck transferring and going forward.

  4. I really enjoyed reading this post since it made know you a little better about yourself. You're collage is really creative and true to yourself of who you are. I really understand when you talked about friendship and how sometimes it ends without you wanting it. But I can assure you, it happens to all of us. I come from an all girl high school where there where about 600 students. I surely after graduation came to see who my true friends were and sometimes its better that way. In our life we will meet good people and bad people, we choose whom to stay with and one day you’ll be thankful for the ones who passed and showed you great lessons. Again, great collage!
