
Sunday, April 17, 2016

The One Where I Volunteer As Tribute

Hunger Games joke aside, I did volunteer to be a part of the staff for the 8th Annual Student Research and Writing Conference. This was simultaneously something new AND not new to me as my junior and senior year of High School consisted of volunteering in a club at my school that organized activities for underprivileged children. And yet it was my first time seeing the other side of one of these conferences and seeing how quickly things can go wrong and how quickly it can be fixed by the creativity of our brilliant  professors and their bright volunteers. I couldn't volunteer as much time as I actually wanted because I had a LOT of assignments to finish (and begin) and an exam to study for plus my classes obviously but what little time I was there was awesome. My friend Natalia was volunteering at the same hours I was so I stuck close to her and we got assigned with another girl to the registration table. It was a fun 3 hours between finding metaphors for our grumbling stomachs, singing along to the clarinet players practicing outside and me geeking out when I got a text from amazon saying the book I ordered was arriving a couple of days earlier than I anticipated. Of course my geeking out was mostly because it's the libretto for Hamilton with annotations from Lin Manuel Miranda and the story behind the creation of the musical. It still brings an imaginary tear to my eye when I think about it, it HUGE by the way; no wonder Lin described it as a Tome you can buy it  here 
if you share my obsession with Hamilton and yes, I am listening to the soundtrack right now.

I mean come on! Look at it! Its gorgeous!


We spent our time listening to music while we told people the instructions about the registration and evaluation papers and handed out pamphlets. Before we knew it it was 10:30am and we all had to leave to our respective engagements, but we did come back at 1pm for our classmates presentation.

It was amazing.

 I mean I thought we had seen everything in class already but I don't know why, seeing a representative of each group collaborating to make this one great presentation made it all come together in a way that made me appreciate Jung's intellect during his travels in a new way. Yes my classmates were nervous but they did and AMAZING job and kudos to them for having the guts to get up on that stage. I commend you for your bravery. I hope to one day have that bravery and not succumb to a panic attack at the thought of it.

With this I bid you adieu ladies, gents and celestial beings and I leave you with a message that goes with the song whose lyrics are pictured in the collage above and I shall link in this post:

If you ever feel like things are not going your way, like everyone is miles ahead of you be it academically, emotionally, mentally or economically: take your time, and Wait for It, your moment will come. It took me two years to come to terms with the fact that I have to leave behind people I love to be able to get what I want, and now while my friends are halfway through their Bachelors Degree I am about to start basically from scratch because I finally found what I was meant to do and that's why this song brings tears to my eyes when I hear it.


  1. We had such a great time volunteering that I wouldn't mind doing it again. I agree that our classmates did an amazing job with their presentation. By the way, I loved your post title; it made me have a good laugh.

  2. The way you write makes it sound like you had n awesome time. Thanks for the praise by the way. Hahaha. I wonder what it was like to participate at your schools events. I know the feeling I geek out a lot too when something I order is almost here or here. This makes me want to buy some books I haven't done that in a while the feeling of receiving something you like is incredible I feel like a child again. The libretto looks really cool. You must be acting all your favorite parts right know too. Haha

  3. The way you write makes it sound like you had n awesome time. Thanks for the praise by the way. Hahaha. I wonder what it was like to participate at your schools events. I know the feeling I geek out a lot too when something I order is almost here or here. This makes me want to buy some books I haven't done that in a while the feeling of receiving something you like is incredible I feel like a child again. The libretto looks really cool. You must be acting all your favorite parts right know too. Haha
