
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The One Where I put my last F.R.I.E.N.D.S Reference

Oh my gosh this is it! I can't believe we've gotten to the last blog post!

This experience has honestly been an incredible one and I do hope to be able to continue doing this in another blog. Its an entirely new concept to me as I had never written a blog before and always wondered how the people that do this for a living managed to do it. While this experience is merely a brief glimpse into theirs I did thoroughly enjoy it.

I spent the last 15 minutes re-reading everything I posted, noticing errors in grammar and places where my argument could have been presented better and with more evidence than I had in that moment. But even if I can go back and fix them now I'm not going to, it shows my growth and expansion of knowledge in the last few months. In all honesty this has turned out more fun than I could have hoped for, the readings allowed me to explore different sides of myself and Puerto Rico and how we all feet kind of seamlessly into this chaotic puzzle of the world.

Looking back at the very first post I did, and the way I decorated the blog speaks volumes of who I am and the last few posts show who I am becoming. At the beginning of it all, I was very bitter considering everything that had been happening in my life during that time, and now though the situation is by no means fixed it has become easier to deal with. The quote at the top of my bog is from one of my favorite authors, J.R.R Tolkien and its from the poem "All That is Gold Does Not Glitter", which goes as follows:

The whole poem is one huge monument of inspiration because it describes a character who has shunned his lineage, refused to be king because he believes his father's line is weak, and that the same weakness flows through his veins but in the end he perseveres and wins the battle against the darkest forces of his land. The line that is featured in my blog is the one I most look to when I am lost, I take solace in it because it tells me that even if I am wandering around not knowing exactly what I am going to do with my life it doesn't mean I am forever lost.

To this I add that the song I have on the side of my blog also reflects a new part of my life and I shall once again be explicit on which lyrics I am talking about:

Every time I hear this song, this line gives me chills and I think it is because a part of me understood that there comes a time when you are going to have to start again, be it with friendship, university degrees or any other situation. Its learning how to be alone after being with someone for so long, its learning that sometimes people grow apart and that that is a part of life and you cant change that. Times change and you have to change with them even if it means starting again. Its amazing that something as simple (and complex) as this blog has helped me come to these conclusions.

It has not been easy doing all this plus all my other university work, and dealing with the transfer to another university which means dealing with two financial offices instead of one, and applying for scholarships. It has been an uphill climb but I am finally seeing the top of the mountain.

With this I leave you, for the last time, with a song YES from a Musical! and again from Hamilton!
This songs speaks about George Washington asking Alexander to write his Farewell Address and the line that speaks out to me the most is "We're going to teach them how to say goodbye."

So this is me, saying goodbye to you One Last Time.

Goodbye ladies, gents and celestial beings. Until we meet again.


  1. I'm glad that you enjoyed the blog so much. It is interesting to see you reread your blogs. To notice such changes means you really enjoyed making them and it shows it too. You definitely have the the blogger soul and spirit. I hope you continue to write on another blog. You can surely use the blog to see how much you have grown and changed. Good luck on your future en devours!

  2. It is great to see that this blog experience has made you open to the idea of making another one in the future. The fact that you read all of your posts before writing the last one was really smart. I'm glad that you got to see a part of your evolution and growth reflected in your blog. I wish you the best in this new journey you are about to embark!
